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Monday, December 31, 2012

A Partnership Approach

A unique and impressive way to work your way to success and rewards in the present dynamic times is by implementing the partnership approach with our collaborators.

Each collaborating entity is endowed with special abilities that can be used to collaborate with the other entities depending on the focus area. If the focus area is teaching and academia, then the collaborating parties are the students, the facilitators and the teachers. All are working in the partnership approach towards the effort to educate, learn and share the rewards and risks, where if any failure occurs it is a shared responsibility of all participants and not one in particular and so is the case with any achievements and rewards earned.

Similarly, in case of company partnerships, two companies may partner to forge a bigger entity with multifaceted dimensions to service a broader range of market with a bigger value add. All the partnership ideas, terms and conditions must be clearly identified and documented in the Articles of Partnership to make it an official and legal body to protect the existence of each company and differentiate one from the other. 

Partnership approach can be followed with clearly identified roles, responsibilities, rules  and regulations on points of collaboration that will be adhered to when working towards an established common goal and vision. Partnership approach can be used with all other facets of work and relationship to make it a win-win situation for all the participants.

Partnership approach requires that there is a long-term commitment to shared goals by participating entities and a collaborative approach to problem solving when the circumstances so arise. Any institution be it a school, a company, a government or a marriage will run successfully by adopting the the partnership approach to work.

Wishing all a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2013!!

Happy to Write!! 


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking - An important mind function 

Every technical writer is taught to have an eye for the detail if they wish to excel in their field of work. And that means to write and bring out the nuances of a product or a subject that might otherwise be overlooked by the user while using a product or studying the subject. 

There are different concepts to critical thinking that will help a technical writer write a concise and crisp documentation. Information can be divided into:

  1. facts, or truths that can be proven to be correct,    
  2. conjecture, a theory or guess that is based on incomplete information,
  3. inference, is drawing a conclusion that is loosely based on facts known to be true,
  4. opinion, a shared belief and personal viewpoint that may or may not be true.
  5. assumption, taking information for granted without finding out its accuracy.
Technical writer writes documentation based on what is the fact and that which is logical. All else fades away making the technical documentation product achieve its purpose of having the reader read and understand all that is logically true. Personal opinions, inferences and assumptions are a sure no-no for a technical writer.

Audience for the technical communication product is smart enough to do critical thinking and decide on the value of the product. Critical thinking using logic starts after the technical documentation has been read. Users are able to distinguish between fact, opinion, inference, or some other thought.  

Critical thinking then is really an ongoing process of understanding, questioning, observing, analyzing, and making judgments.

Happy to write!